
Wednesday 2 August 2017

Time for reflection - High Tide

Do you like to try different techniques? There are just so many out there and so many that I always think "I would love to try that out" and then quite often don't or just forget about. But today I'm sharing a technique that has been around for ages, and that is the Reflection Technique.

It took me a while to decide which stamp set I was going to use and I thought what sort of things do you usually see a reflection of and then I suddenly thought the Lighthouse from High Tide would be perfect and that's exactly what I used:

Now I created my reflection by using the plastic sheet that comes with the Stamp-a-ma-jig and the trick is to stamp your image on the smooth side and not the grainy side. But any clear, smooth plastic will work. Our window sheets would also be great for this.

The technique it self is easy. You stamp your image, the lighthouse in my case, onto your card and remember to leave some space below it for it's reflection. Next re-ink your stamp and stamp that onto your shiny plastic sheet. turn the sheet upside down and place it below the real image and press down hard... Voila!!

I dressed the rest of the "scene" with more images from the set and then had to pick a sentiment. That, I think, was the hardest part. I just love all of those sayings in this stamp set. I think I'll keep this card for Hubby for fathers day which isn't too far off. I love being ahead of the game!!

Thanks for stopping by today and if you would like to order any of the products you've seen here just click on the item's picture below.

Happy Crafting,

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