And gosh it's been the longest 6 months ever. I've gotten by so far with using challenges and sketches but not one card I've created recently has come easy. And when I mention this to other crafters they all agree that missing mojo's are on the rise but no one seems to want to talk about it. Well not any more. I am going to be loud and proud about my mojo being MIA. I will not hide from it any more.
So I decide that today I'm going to stop stressing about my missing mojo and just craft. And not just craft but blog about it too. I'm going to blog the good, the bad and the down right ugly.
Monday's will now be known as Missing Mojo Monday or MMM for short and I'm kicking off with this shocker:
Ok so it's probably not the ugliest card I could have come up with, but it's certainly in the Bad category. My colouring is messing and I really had no idea which colours to use so just randomly picked them. Oh and can you see how wonky my sentiment is. I really did eye-ball that one!!
So there you go. My first MMM under my belt and you know what, I feel pleased with my crafting effort and think this might be the start of something beautifully. Let's all be proud of what we create... even the Ugly!!
Happy Crafting,
I have to laugh...I really like your card! The colors, the layout, the splatters all look like my kinda card. I guess one person's blah is another person's awww. Lol. Will enjoy seeing what your next MMM project brings ;D